EN English




Processamento de Dados do Amapá (PRODAP)

PRODAP's mission is to provide strategic solutions in Information and Communication Technology within established quality and safety standards, providing necessary support to the Amapá State Government. https://www.prodap.ap.gov.br/

Ministério Público do Trabalho

The Public Ministry of Labor is the branch of the Public Ministry whose function is to act in the defense of collective and individual rights in the labor area. https://mpt.mp.br/

Instituto Tecnológico Vale

Created in 2010, the Instituto Tecnológico Vale (ITV) is a non-profit institution, with the objective of developing technological and scientific solutions to the challenges of the mining and sustainability chain in the territories in which Vale is present. http://www.itv.org/

Fundação Norte-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisa e Cultura (FUNPEC)

FUNPEC's mission is to stimulate, support and manage teaching, research and scientific, technological and cultural development activities, promoting the integration between UFRN and the Community, through partnerships with Public and Private Institutions. https://funpec.br/

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)

Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel is a foundation linked to the Ministry of Education of Brazil that operates in the expansion and consolidation of stricto sensu postgraduate courses in all Brazilian states. https://uab.capes.gov.br/