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O que nossos clientes falam

Dhyego Silva Domingos Brandão Director of Information Technology at the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT)

The State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT) felt the need for a system that was capable of providing consistent information and that could actually collaborate with planning and decision making in a more assertive and consistent way in university management. SIGAA proved to be a system that met these needs and, in this pandemic moment, was responsible for supporting UNEMAT's pedagogical actions, minimizing the impact and damage to the entire academic community.

Ítalo Flexa Di Paolo Professor and Director of Data Processing Services at the State University of Pará (UEPA)

University management is a great challenge because it involves many contexts, with different roles, involving teaching, research, extension and management, with administrative technicians and teachers, in different regions of the State, the multidisciplinarity of different areas of knowledge with their own challenges of development and infrastructure. Managing university processes requires a robust and flexible tool to adapt to different contexts, but also a great support from the internal community to follow a virtuous and collective path. SIG tools arrive with high reputational value for good practices, helping to achieve success in these challenges more quickly.

Armando Soares Sousa Computer Science Professor - UFPI / DC Doctoral Student in Computer Science - UFC / MDCC

“We never had any problems with E-Sig, on the contrary, the company has excellent professionals”

Igor Rodrigues Vieira Director of the Center for Computational Resources at UFG

“Something that stands out in the company is its great relationship, its openness to change and its constant partnership. "